All professionals around the world need to be trained and software engineers aren't an exception.
Hence, we announce a unique program (and for sure the first in Israel) we are proud to kick off this week: a Software Development Apprenticeship Program.
PicSocut will hire and train apprentices; We will focus (but not limit) on clean code, reading/writing code, clean architecture, BDD, TDD, simple and business oriented designs, tools and best practices. In nutshell, all what you need to become a highly competent software engineer who cares and proud about his profession.
We are looking for couple of candidates to begin the program!
If you feel it's you, please feel free to send us your resume at
Here is a short talk about how we build lightweight products at PicScout (in Hebrew).
Unfortunately, the video has focused on the speaker, instead of on the slides... so ping us if you wish to receive the slides.
In my previous post I talked about binary serialization
of Large Objects. Today, I‘m going to talk about the
consumption of such objects from the IIS.
In this case our recommendation is:always stream objects, don't create intermediate strings or similar, because you will find yourself with "Out of memory etc..." exceptions.
First, let’s update our client so it will ask for “gzip” stream:
Next, an Asp .NET application usually has a controller which returns some JsonResult. We introduced the new class LargeJsonResult which is returned instead:
public class LargeJsonResult : JsonResult
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
context.HttpContext.Response.AppendHeader("Content-encoding", "gzip");
using (GZipStream gZipStream = new GZipStream(response.OutputStream, CompressionMode.Compress))
SerializeResponse(gZipStream, Data);
SerializeResponse(gZipStream, Data);
private bool ReturnCompressedStream(ControllerContext context)
string acceptEncoding = context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acceptEncoding) && acceptEncoding.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("gzip"))
return true;
return false;
private static void SerializeResponse(Stream stream, object data)
using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream))
using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(streamWriter))
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
streamWriter.AutoFlush = true;
serializer.Serialize(writer, data);
Here we use the Newtonsoft Json Serializer. As you can see, the Json object is streamed to the Client, so the last thing what we need to do is to update the Clients' code for the consumption of this object:
using (SpecialisedWebClient client = new SpecialisedWebClient())
client.Headers.Add("Content-Type: application/json");
using (Stream stream = client.OpenRead(serviceUri))
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
using (JsonReader jreader = new JsonTextReader(reader))
JsonSerializer js = new JsonSerializer();
return js.Deserialize<JObject>(jreader);
That's it. Now you can transfer GBs of Json data over the wire. Note: In my previous post, I talked about large objects serialization and our custom implementation of ISerializable. Apparently, when the Json re-presentation of this object is streamed from the IIS using Newtonsoft serializer it calls to ISerializable method and instead of Json the binary stuff is displayed. In order to disable this behavior we need to add the attribute [JsonObjectAttribute] on top of the object.
It is a well known fact that BDD (Behavior-driven development) is
gaining increasing popularity last couple of years, both in theory and
practice. Dan North, the acknowledged founder
of this idea and creator of its first implementation, describes its main
concepts beautifully in his Introducing
BDD paper.
Since so many words were already written in favor (and disfavor)
of BDD, I will not get into details of this methodology and its techniques, but
rather try to present PicScout’s perspective.
Our Case
We, at PicScout, came across this methodology while trying to improve
our delivery cycles. On one hand we discovered that our unitests, though
comprehensive, were not reducing enough the intensity of bugs in QA. On the
other hand, we noticed ever-growing imparities between what product and business
owners imagined to what our developers eventually delivered. Every approach we
tried to apply in order to resolve that pitfall was doomed to failure. What
happened eventually is that our QA-engineers were obliged to manually bridge this
chasm by spending more time and focus on acceptance and regression. Needless to
say it overwhelmed the QA-pipe.
What we found interesting about BDD is that it creates a common-language
for product-owners, QA-engineers and developers - describing the feature with a
"given-when-than" logical pattern. The developer can then go ahead
and create (and test) the logic based on those guidelines. Correspondingly, the
QA-engineer has better grasp of the cycle and product-owner gets a clear
visibility of features in development.
It was all what we had hoped for!!!
Our Practice
However, as with any XP-derived methodology,
embracing BDD requires an ideology revolution. To be honest, it was not
something we were willing to do without giving it a thought. The first
"D" in BDD is for "Driven" - as in TDD – which means design
& development are totally directed by writing tests first. TDD critics
argue that developing a real-world system from scratch with TDD is unreasonable
or at least comes with excessive overhead. We at PicScout do not take sides in
this theoretical war. We practice TDD not as a must but as a privilege, mostly
in case of autonomic modules. This is why we decided to spare the
"Driven" part in BDD, meaning system (or feature) development is
mostly written in a code-first approach followed by a must-have unitests.
But the "B" in BDD is what intrigued us the most. Key-features
are translated (not entirely though) to most valuable "given-when-then” scenarios,
usually written by QA-engineer but always reviewed and edited by a
developer. Scenarios are implemented usually during the development of logic
and unitests (again, not necessarily in a TDD style). They can be
implemented by the developer as a system-test (for that we're using SpecFlow) or by the QA-engineer
as UI-test (with Selenium).
Our Gain
·The developers - now fully
aware of all important aspects in a user-story, which might have not been realized
from the story directly - can provide better feature & code coverage.
·The developers have a
common guideline to testing logic beyond the unit-scope. As Dan north accurately
describes, our developers can now answer the five common WH questions - Where
to start, What (not) to test, How much to test, What
to call a test and Why a test fails.
·QA-engineers have a
comprehensive acceptance and regression layer, assured to cover all main
features of a system. They are no longer
a bottleneck.
·Product and business owners
get a quick-reference to what is\was delivered, thus maintaining and expanding production
system becomes simpler.
BDD is an emerging development-methodology which aims to facilitate
acceptance and regression pain. As with TDD, it earned critics along the way,
mainly concerning the ability to be fully practiced in real-world large-scale
At PicScout, we are embracing several aspects and technique of this
approach, especially all that is oriented by the "Behavior" principal.
What we can already determine is that the gain overcomes the extra-effort, both
from development-perspective and business-value.